mosaico FLAMENCO

A MUSIC & DANCE show of the different FLAMENCO STYLES with / conDANZA ESPAÑAArtistic Director ArtísticoYLOY YBARRA Choreographer / CoreógrafaELISABET TORRAS Dancers / Bailaores-asELISABET TORRASREBECA TOMASJUANA CALAYLOY YBARRA Singer-Dancer / Cantaora-BailaoraBARBARA MARTÍNEZ Singer / CantaorJUAN PEDRO JIMÉNEZ Percussion / Cajón … Continued


posted in: Dance, Past Productions, Salsa | 0

with/ConCALI SALSA PAL’ MUNDO And Special Guest SINGERY la CANTANTE Invitada EspecialANISSA GATHERS Artistic Directors / Directores ArtisticosJHONATHAN RAMOS, VIVIAN REYES Guest Choreographer / Coreógrafo InvitadoJHON FREDDY LEUDO SEVILLANO Choreographers / CoreógrafosJHONATHAN RAMOS, VIVIAN REYES, BRANDON TRUJILLO Dancers / BailarinesYESSICA … Continued


posted in: Past Productions, Theatre | 0

Come join us as we kickoff our REOPENING of LIVE theatre with the first Latina Rockette. A year after our abrupt closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Thalia Spanish Theatre is thrilled to announce the COME BACKof our LIVE performances. … Continued