Las SinSombrero FLAMENCO

A FLAMENCO MUSIC, SONG & DANCE showbased on the Spanish WOMEN ARTISTS of “The Generation of ‘27” known as “LAS SINSOMBRERO” (The Hatless)who believed in a fair society seeking autonomy, professional careers, and intellectual freedom equal to men. Un espectáculo de … Continued

mosaico FLAMENCO

A MUSIC & DANCE show of the different FLAMENCO STYLES with / conDANZA ESPAÑAArtistic Director ArtísticoYLOY YBARRA Choreographer / CoreógrafaELISABET TORRAS Dancers / Bailaores-asELISABET TORRASREBECA TOMASJUANA CALAYLOY YBARRA Singer-Dancer / Cantaora-BailaoraBARBARA MARTÍNEZ Singer / CantaorJUAN PEDRO JIMÉNEZ Percussion / Cajón … Continued


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Thank You for your Donation. Enjoy this FLAMENCO music & dance adaptation of Euripides’ “THE BACCHAE” Gracias por su donación. DISFRUTEN de esta adaptación en música y baile FLAMENCO de “LAS BACANTES” de Euripides