Tu Arma Secreta contra la CELULITIS REBELDE.

Bilingual world premiere of a hilarious provocative comedy by controversial Spanish playwright Iñigo Ramirez De Haro. Produced, designed and directed by Angel Gil Orrios.
“Much ado about something… comedic production tackles life questions big and small. Ramírez de Haro takes on many foibles of 21st-century society: consumerism, celebrity worship, blind faith, overt sexuality and our constant need to be entertained…. It’s all quite ridiculous but the quartet makes it work…. Ramirez de Haro’s play is a lot of things but boring isn’t one of them.”- the TIMESledger
“The most irreverent comedy in recent memory is currently on stage at 41-17 Greenpoint Avenue in Sunnyside. The Thalia Spanish Theatre offers alternative performances in English and Spanish for this riotous new production… the audience is in hysterics.. laughing to the point of tears!”- The Queens Courier
Un escritor / director poco convencional involucra a su audiencia En la creación de un nuevo tipo de entretenimiento teatral. ¡Sé testigo de las complicaciones de la carne!
Mayo 10 hasta Junio 23, 2013
Written by: Iñigo Ramirez de Haro
English translation by Sarah Thomas
Produced, designed and directed by Angel Gil Orrios
Soledad Lopez
Francisco Fuertes
William Saquicela
Jesus Martinez
Assistant director/Stage Manager Alexandra Gutierrez
Escrita por:
Iñigo Ramirez de Haro
Producida, diseñada y dirigida por Angel Gil Orrios
Con las actuaciones de:
Soledad Lopez
Francisco Fuertes
William Saquicela
Jesus Martinez
Asistencia de Direccion/ Stage Manager Alexandra Gutierrez